
Bun KoomKhaoyai
In the second month of each year after rice harvest season is completed, people in the village will carry a bunch of rice. Then take it together at the place for packing {rice}. As the villagers believe that rice is the plant of life which is guarded by a goddess called , “Mae Phosob,” who has strengthen and give nourishment to humankind.
During the rice farming process, farmers may have done something inappropriate or step on the rice tree while they are planting. That is considered as a disrespected behavior, so we do apologize to them by Bun KoomKhaoyai ceremony. One another important point of this practice is to let people show their gratitude to rice and cornfield. This tradition does not have the fix day to do. It is depends on each district’s availability.
Nowadays, some of Buddhist ceremonies are also added to Bun KoomKhaoyai ceremony. For example, the villagers have to invite the monks to attend and chant in the morning in order to bless the farm owners and the rice. After the ceremony finished, the monks will give them the courage and wish that the rice will be successfully grown by doing “Su KhwanKhao” ceremony. Then, the monks will tie the farmers’ arms with a thread. {a cotton}
Srisaengthamschool has held this ceremony in order to seek for charity to subsidize free lunch project for students. Plus, the school also would like to let the students keep this ceremony as a value tradition. Each year Srisaengthamschool normally got rice’s donation from the students’ parents and other folks nearby.


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